Anger Management
Anger is a natural emotional reaction. You experience anger in response to a perceived threat or danger to your life, activating the fight or flight response, a surge of adrenaline that physically prepares your body to defend or flee a situation resulting in you feeling irritable, angry, or frustrated in life. Sometimes anger can become a common feature in life. When anger changes your perception and self-control it results in problems in your; relationships, work, mental health by creating anxiety and depression, and even your physical health causing stomach problems, skin complaints, and high blood pressure.
Do you find yourself regularly feeling angry?
Do you find yourself regularly having arguments with those closest to you?
Are you worried about the potential consequences of your anger?
Are those closest to you worried about how you may respond?
Solution focused hypnotherapy can help you understand how and why you create anger. Sessions can support you to identify the solutions by focusing on your preferred future to help you be back in control of your mind, feel calm, and utilise hypnosis to help you develop the skills and access a deep state of relaxation.