Smoking Cessation
Did you know smoking is just 10% physical addiction? 90% is in your mind.
If you have the motivation to quit smoking, hypnotherapy can support you. Whilst consciously you know smoking is bad for you, your subconscious mind maintains the habit as it is prioritised as a coping mechanism. Solution focused hypnotherapy can help you to identify factors preventing you from giving up smoking. For example, triggers, habits and routines, but identify factors that can support you to break the habit and continue to live your life smoke-free. During a lengthier state of hypnosis, your conscious and subconscious mind can come together to help you change the way you think about smoking and allow your conscious mind to win.
When you combine the motivation to quit and hypnotherapy, only one session is required, with most clients seeing immediate and positive effects. You will also receive a complimentary relaxation audio to listen to in preparation for and after the session for six weeks to improve your chances of success.