Weight Management
When we talk about weight management we think about diet and exercise. We become focused on the scales as an indicator of our success or failure. It is no surprise when most well-known slimming clubs and diet plans base success on the number on the scales and calorie counting. Whilst diet and exercise is important to help lead a healthy balanced lifestyle you also know this can be hard to maintain. Over time, creating a poor relationship with food and unmaintainable eating habits.
When you focus on weight management there is one thing I can be sure no one ever explores with you. How your mindset and factors such as stress, anxiety, mood, and the dynamic between yourself, work, and relationships, alter the chemicals in your brain and body, which can hinder you in your pursuit of maintaining change. No one ever explains why and how you create and maintain negative eating habits, or use food as a coping mechanism, but most importantly how we create and sustain healthy habits.
Solution focused hypnotherapy can support you to achieve this by creating a growth mindset to help you lose weight. By focusing on the solutions rather than the problem, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help you identify factors impacting your weight management. Hypnotherapy can support you to know-how your mindset can hinder the pursuit of your weight management goals. Sessions will aid you to identify the small steps you can take towards achieving your goals and changing the way you think about food. Overall, helping you to develop positive relationships and habits and embed these new ways of thinking to aid maintenance.