Chronic Health & Pain Management
Chronic Pain Management
We can all experience pain, that uncomfortable sensation and discomfort in our body, at some point in our lives. Whilst acute pain, following an accident or trauma, can benefit us by supporting us to rest and recover. We know any pain experienced for a long time can be debilitating and take control over your day to day life. This impacting on our mobility and energy levels, mood, anxiety, and general mental health and well-being. Whilst chronic pain can impact our mental health our emotional state can impact our perception of pain. If you are anxious, depressed, or upset, you will feel pain more.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful complementary therapy to help with pain management. Solution focused hypnotherapy can support you to take back control of your mind. Sessions can help you create a positive mindset to promote the natural release of chemicals in your mind, alter your perception of pain, and support you to close the pain gate. Ultimately, allowing your mind and body to live in harmony so you can take back control of your life.
Chronic Health Management
We all know how tough it can be to get out of bed, take care of ourselves, homes, and families, go to work, go out with friends, or do the things we enjoy when we are acutely unwell. From experiencing this first-hand, my knowledge of chronic health conditions, and speaking with others similar to myself, this can be the constant challenge faced every day. Experiencing daily, hourly, or moment by moment changes in your physical ability to do things can start to have a significant impact on your life. Hindering your ability to do the things you enjoy, access your community, spend time with friends and family, impact your relationships and self-care, overall causing a detriment to your mental health and well-being.
Hypnotherapy can be a highly supportive complementary approach, in addition to medical intervention, to support in maintenance of your mindset, mental health, and well-being. Hypnotherapy can help you understand how your mind can exacerbate already presenting symptoms of pain and fatigue. Sessions can support you to know how you can utilise your mind to aid in the production of hormones to manage your symptoms. Identify the small steps you can take to support your pursuit of living a meaningful and purposeful life by focusing on the solutions to promote your health and well-being. Allowing you to build confidence and personal boundaries in knowing your fluctuations, skills and capabilities to self-define success and support you to relax and sleep better.
Hypnotherapy truly transformed my mindset in living with and managing a chronic health condition it could for you too.