Sleep & Insomnia
Do you find yourself tossing and turning in bed at night?
Do you struggle to switch your mind off so you can get to sleep?
Do you find yourself waking up frequently and struggling to get back to sleep?
Do you struggle to get out of bed in the mornings?
Do you find yourself waking up starting the day feeling miserable, unmotivated, stressed, or angry?
Did you know 1 in 3 of us in the UK suffer from insomnia, with 2 in 3 suffering from disturbed sleep.
Common factors for sleep difficulties include lifestyle and environment. Leading factors for persistent sleep problems are health conditions, depression, anxiety and stress and can affect our relationships, work, and personal lives, cause low motivation, irritability, difficulties with attention and concentration, energy, and libido.
Solution focused hypnotherapy is a naturally proven effective way to help you improve your sleep patterns. Hypnotherapy can support you to understand how sleep processes events and thoughts from the day which helps you wake up feeling refreshed. Hypnotherapy supports you understand how a positive mindset and routine can enhance your sleep pattern and how hypnosis can help prepare your mind to relax so you can get to sleep.
Even clients who already sleep well report improvements in their sleep patterns through hypnosis.