Motivation & Performance
We have all experienced low motivation at some point in our lives. Whether at work, doing a task at home, attending to a business matter, applying for a new job, or pursuing a goal. When you are in this state of mind, no doubt you procrastinate. What we know about procrastination is that it is your comfort zone. It is your subconscious mind telling you at that moment, 'don't change' due to negative thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, or fear of failure.
When you prepare for an interview, exam, driving test, presentation, public speech, sports event, or competition, you want to feel optimistic and confident. Sometimes the pressure can cause low energy, motivation, and self-limiting beliefs impacting your focus and performance.
During my training, I had the pleasure of meeting Glenn Catley. Glen is the British Middleweight Champion in January 1998 and WBC Super Middleweight World Champion in May 2000. In his career Glenn had solution focused hypnotherapy sessions with the founder, David Newton. Glen associates most of his success to the mindset hypnotherapy supported him to build.
Hypnotherapy sessions can help you access your subconscious mind, break down the negative thoughts and self-limiting thought cycles, and visualise and mentally rehearse your performance. For example, achieving a goal to help your subconscious mind to believe it has already achieved it to support you to push outside of your comfort zone and improve subsequent performance. Overall helping you to get started, stay motivated, and improve your focus to help you to tap into your true potential.
"I've got a new job! Thank you for all your help which gave me the confidence to go for interviews and stop feeling stuck."
"I had the best hockey match ever. Hardly any nerves or anxiety beforehand. My head was totally in the game and it showed because everyone said I played really well. I've come a long way from just playing one on one. Couldn't have done it without you."
"I am now more aware of how my brain works and how to recognise when my emotions are taking over and impacting my thoughts and motivation negatively. I would recommend this course to anyone who is struggling with anything like lack of motivation, procrastination, or just feeling overwhelmed with life. It will be one of the best things you do!"