Fears & Phobias
We all experience fear at some point in our lives, but a phobia, irrational fear of an object or stimulus, can result in longer-term avoidance and prevent you from doing things you want and need to in life. A phobia is due to the result of an overactive survival response in the brain where your brain recognises a trigger, something you have experienced or imagine having experienced, and thinks this poses a threat to your safety. As a result of this, your brain creates symptoms of anxiety such as a fast heart rate, stomach-churning, sweating and so on, to help you to prepare to deal with the threat and keep you safe. Unfortunately, the trigger can be innocent and non-life-threatening meaning the anxiety creates an unhelpful response such as avoidance of situations or hyper-vigilance such as a fear of spiders, heights, driving, needles, flying and many more.
Solution focused hypnotherapy is a quick and effective way to manage and remove a phobia from your mind with most clients only requiring 3 sessions. Hypnotherapy can help your brain to disrupt, break down and process the emotional or fearful memory response so your brain no longer recognises this as a threat, thus getting rid of the phobia. In addition, hypnotherapy can strengthen this process by supporting your mind to create a new preferred memory response, so your subconscious mind knows how you want to respond to a trigger more calmly in the future.